Tomo Popović is a PhD, Associate Professor, holding a PhD degree in Technical sciences (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro), Master of Engineering (Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, USA), and B.Sc in Electrical Engineering (Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad).
He works at the University of Donja Gorica, where he teaches computer science and information systems courses. He has 25 years of international experience in both industrial and academic environment (Serbia, USA, Montenegro). His newer projects include the development of software and architecture of the Internet of Things platform for precision agriculture and eco-monitoring (BIO-ICT, HERIC), a solution based on the Internet of Things and mobile technology for brand protection and the prevention of counterfeits in wine industry (TagItWine, H2020), digital transformation of agriculture and food supply chain (DIPOL, national). These projects led to new project applications that were submitted and approved for implementation: H2020 DEMETER, Erasmus + VIRAL, IPA ECOMON, and new Center of Excellence project called Food-HUB. The latest projects include H2020 EuroCC and H2020 AIMHiGH done in context of FF4EuroHPC. His research work focuses on applied computer science, especially in the domain of intelligent systems, Internet of Things, Data Science with applications in energy, biomedicine, agriculture and industrial systems. Tomo Popović has over 100 papers published in scientific journals or conferences. He is a Senior member of the IEEE and member of ACM and CIGRE.
THE EU DigiTOUR Project 2021-2024
Co-funded by the COSME Programme
of the European Union
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