EU DigiTOUR Project | 15 July, 2022
The revolution of technology is moving faster than ever, causing the acceleration of the rate of change. Especially after the outbreak of COVID-19, the role of IT professionals has become considerably useful to keep up the pace with these fast changes, with them continuously committed in learning, unlearning and relearning.
Take a look at the latest trends on which experts, but also people without a similar background, should put their hands on:
In short, the future relies more and more on technology, and it is important to stay up to date and prepared for the new tech era. The revolution has started!
If you are intrigued and would like to digitize your tourism business,
EU DigiTOUR invites you to apply for our
Transformation Academy, where experts in the tech fields give you more in depth information on how you can uptake the technology into your business!
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THE EU DigiTOUR Project 2021-2024
Co-funded by the COSME Programme
of the European Union
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