EU DigiTOUR programme is designing a transnational capacity-building programme around digital transformation for the tourism industry. The program will be carried out online to reach expectants worldwide. The programme aims to provide professionals working in the tourism industry, with a specific focus on EU traditional tourism SMEs, a comprehensive introduction to the key issues and solutions around the adoption of AI, IoT, VR/AR, and big data in business. The programme will be designed and delivered to people in all functions and roles, among others, including EU tourism SME owners and startup founders, purchasers, production and quality managers, retail and sales personnel, communication specialists and logistical staff.
The purpose of the programme is to provide fundamental knowledge, tools, and inspiration needed to actively engage in digital transformation, tackle challenges, and exploit opportunities as digital ambassadors of digital transformation.
Considering the key target group, EU traditional tourism SMEs, the programme will be built around:
The programme will be based on:
The multi-layered capacity building programme will encourage EU tourism SMEs to reassess their business models and make key changes for both strategy and practice.
THE EU DigiTOUR Project 2021-2024
Co-funded by the COSME Programme
of the European Union
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