Tourism was one of the pioneers to digitize business processes globally, bringing flight and hotel booking online to become a digital launch. As information and communication technologies (ICT) became a global phenomenon, tourism was a consistent early adopter of new technologies and platforms. In other words, tourism and digitization are two indissoluble phenomena, destined to travel on the same track of mutual expansion and development.
The World Economic Forum (WEF, 2017) has estimated that in the decade to 2025, digitalization will create up to USD 305 billion of additional value for the tourism sector alone through increased profitability, while around USD 100 billion of value generated in the sector will transfer from traditional players to new digital competitors with innovative business models and value-producing capabilities. The digital transformation is also forecast to generate benefits valued at USD 700 billion for customers and wider society, through reduced environmental footprint, improved safety and security, and cost and time savings for consumers.
Among the trends shaping the new norm for the tourism sector:
Digitalization is bringing unprecedented opportunities for tourism to access new markets, develop new tourism products and services, adopt new business models and processes, upgrade their position in global tourism value chains and integrate into digital ecosystems. Additionally, it can improve tourism’s efficiency and resources to focus on strategic tasks, besides increasing the capacity to develop new business models, enter new markets, or internationalize operations. Join the EU DigiTOUR’s journey on boosting the development of digitalization in the tourism sector!
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THE EU DigiTOUR Project 2021-2024
Co-funded by the COSME Programme
of the European Union
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